
About Me

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I am 35 year old Mum to two girls aged 8 and 2. I married my husband in 2004 and am madly in love with him. I know we are going to be together forever. I have a degree in English and am studying for a Masters in Library and Information Management. I am obssessed with Lush. You can find out the rest in time, just keep reading xxxx P.S If some words I use seem odd, please don't think I am strange! There is a reason random use of weirds words appear in this blog!!!

Sunday, 20 February 2011

And the moving begins....

Yesterday we had the keys to the new house for the day. We managed to move 6 car loads of furniture over to the new house. They have put a new carpet down in the living room which matches our couch so we are really pleased with that. It makes a massive difference to the room, which looked a bit shabby with the old carpet, but it looks really cosy now and I cannot wait to start living there!
Matt's parents, Sue and Dave came to stay for the day and helped us out with the kids while we moved the furniture and they came to see the house and helped lug some of the stuff - THANK YOU!!! 
This time I remembered to get some photos of the house so I will add them below, there are quite a lot....

I really think this house is going to suit us perfectly and is going to be much more cosy than this bungalow. I can't wait to start living there!!

We went out for a meal last night at a pub called the Ffrith. Its the first meal we have had out with Sue and Dave for almost a year and it was really nice - apart from Eden grabbing my plate- one of the metal 'sizzler' plates, and burning her little hand :( But I got her some ice which she munched on happily for a while and she is fine now. She ate meatballs and spaghetti - with her hands!

Jemma amused us all greatly by ordering half a roast chicken and then saying she doesn't like eating meat off the bone! I had ribs and chicken. Its the first time I have ever had a rack of ribs, and it won't be the last! Yummmy. Chloe covered her plate in pepper -d'oh! But she made up for it after by eating all her pudding and most of Jemma's too!
I was absolutely knackered last night and today my arms hurt from all the lifting, but I am so excited about the move! These two weeks are going to crawl by! This place is still falling apart. It appears the septic tank isn't working again due to all the raw sewage that has backed up into the back garden again - just horrendous, and if the landlady DARES to attempt to keep any of the deposit she is going to meet the full extent of my wrath. After what we have put up with in this house she should feel grateful to have had the rent paid on it for that last year, let alone anything else. So I am perfectly willing to seek legal help if she tries to wangle the deposit from us. 
I hope it doesn't come to that though and I just feel grateful that we will be moving to a normal house, with normal drainage, gas and electric supplies! I pray the new house doesnt prove to be a pain in the ass like this one has!
Right I am off now, we actually have some space here now to store boxes and I want to get something done today.
Two weeks, two weeks two weeks!!!

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