
About Me

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I am 35 year old Mum to two girls aged 8 and 2. I married my husband in 2004 and am madly in love with him. I know we are going to be together forever. I have a degree in English and am studying for a Masters in Library and Information Management. I am obssessed with Lush. You can find out the rest in time, just keep reading xxxx P.S If some words I use seem odd, please don't think I am strange! There is a reason random use of weirds words appear in this blog!!!

Thursday 27 January 2011

Bad week!

Miniture disasters afoot in the Dawes household this week. Saturday morning we noticed the boiler wasn't firing. This house gets its gas through a bulk storage tank, and the tank was completely empty!
We placed an emergency order, but they still didnt get the gas out to us until this morning (yay). However, this morning when we woke up we had no electric! One of the cables has blown and not only that but the vehicles were blocking our private road so we were stuck in the house. They told us that they were unlikely to fix the broken cable before 8pm tonight, so we all got in the car and have come to my Dad's in Manchester :-)
Its so warm here! Bliss. 
At least we know when we go home we will have heating, hot water and I will be able to have a bath!! Its amazing the things you take for granted - just being warm and being able to wash, so basic, but when you don't have them it makes life miserable!

But, when you put it in perspective its nothing really. Yesterday I read about a woman who has lost all four of her children in a house fire. The eldest was a nine year old boy and the youngest a two year old girl. She also had another girl and boy. She managed to get out, then tried to get back in to save her children. Two died in the blaze and two were taken to hospital, but died that night. 

The mother has been in the back of my mind since I read about this. To stop a mother from going and trying to save her babies is not the most humane thing to do - I know in that situation that I would want to be trying to get them and if I died trying so be it. I can't imagine what the mother of these poor kids is living through, it must the closet to hell that you can get. So being cold, having no telly, no bath, its nothing because right now my girls are well and happy and we're together. That means I am as happy as can be xxxxx

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