
About Me

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I am 35 year old Mum to two girls aged 8 and 2. I married my husband in 2004 and am madly in love with him. I know we are going to be together forever. I have a degree in English and am studying for a Masters in Library and Information Management. I am obssessed with Lush. You can find out the rest in time, just keep reading xxxx P.S If some words I use seem odd, please don't think I am strange! There is a reason random use of weirds words appear in this blog!!!

Thursday 27 January 2011

Weekend in Deal.

I'm off to Deal tomorrow night for the first time in over a year. My nephew is over from Oz and I am gonna see him for the first time in YEARS. I can't wait to see all the family, its been waaaaaay too long. 

My family in Deal - this isn't everyone but here we have: Me, Matt,Eden, Chloe, Peter, Mum, Laura, Shannon, Marg, Billy & Kt Emily, Jane, Jenny, William, Carolyn, Judy, Willy xxxxxxx

My sister has been through a rough time recently and I can't wait to see her and give her a hug. I'm at my Dad's at the moment and he has a lovely picture of me and my sister that was taken about 8 years ago so I took a picture of it to post here - 

Love you Judy xxx

While I am talking about my family in Deal I should mention my Mummy. She has been struggling to get around lately and over the last couple of years it has got much much worse. She has had a bad hip for many years due to an horrific accident she had when she was around 20. She also sufferes with a condition called Schlorederma. This condition is pretty rare and she has not really had any clear answers from the doctors as little is really known and each case is unique so they can't even properly advise my Mum on what she can expect. Very often if something is hurting she puts it down to this. Recently she had an x-ray on her knee and the doctors have put her on a waiting list for a replacement knee. We are hoping that this operation will give her a new lease of life. It may be her Quezacotl - bringing new life back to her, and she may even be able to manage stairs again!! It would be great to see my Mum up and about and not in so much pain all the time. So fingers, toes, legs, arms, everything are crossed that this operation is a success and that she wont have to wait too long. I'm picturing nice walks along Rhyl beach this summer with my Mum and my girls. 

Rhyl Promenade
On a completely different subject I saw the most bizarre sign in a Children's centre on Monday. Chloe's appointment was at 1.30 and I was there from 1.20. I spent half an hour staring at this bloody sign before being told I had been sent to the wrong department. I had been wondering why they would why want a defibrilator station in a children's department!

30 minutes of my life wasted staring at this sign.

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