
About Me

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I am 35 year old Mum to two girls aged 8 and 2. I married my husband in 2004 and am madly in love with him. I know we are going to be together forever. I have a degree in English and am studying for a Masters in Library and Information Management. I am obssessed with Lush. You can find out the rest in time, just keep reading xxxx P.S If some words I use seem odd, please don't think I am strange! There is a reason random use of weirds words appear in this blog!!!

Friday 21 January 2011

Moving On.

The above picture is the bungalow we have been living in since April last year. We love this bungalow, despite the fact that it has given us nothing but trouble since the day we moved in! First was the problem of turning the water on and subsequently having gallons of water pouring down the walls and through the ceiling in the hallway, bathroom and Chloe's bedroom. Second, the boiler had not been saftey checked before we moved in and we had no heating or hot water for the first two weeks. We then thought that we would still be able to shower as the shower was electric, but no. The shower had not been wired in. Since then we have had leaks in the roof and mould coming up through the floor in the backroom due to lack of damp proofing. On top of that I had the lovely discovery in the middle of a very hot summer of a giant pile of raw sewage in our back garden! The drainage here is a septic tank and as the tank had not been maintained at all it was competely useless and the sewage just backed up until it spilled out into the garden - nice.

So, last week we had an e-mail informing us that the landlady wants to sell up. We would be given two months notice if there was an offer on the house - as if any fool would buy this money pit! So we thought we would take our fate into our own hands and find somewhere else to live, so we did!

Welcome to our new humble abode! This is a very big Victorian house in Rhyl. Its not the most modern of houses, but we can live with a bit of retro decor, I actually think its really cosy :-)

Its going to be odd going from a bungalow to a house, with stairs. Eden loves stairs. They are going to be a novelty to her for a while and I am having visions of her using a tray to bobsleigh down them :/

The rooms are all a decent size and we have a front room with an archway through to a back room, and then towards the back of the house is another room which we will use as the dining room:

The location is great. We will no longer be in the middle of nowhere and will be living amongst civilisation once again. We will be a two minutes walk from the beach and the town. There is a fair and indoor play area for the kids and it is just down the road from one of Chloe's favorite places -Rhyl Sun Centre.

For Jemma - our niece who lives with us, it is a 20 mintues walk from the place she is just about to start working at, and she will be walking past a skate park twice a day! We are hoping it won't take long for her to make friends :-)

For Matt there is a Bargin Madness within walking distance - all his Christmasses have come at once! 

For me, I am gonna love living by the sea again. The particular area we are in reminds me a lot of the North End of Deal and that is a very sweet thing for me. Being able to walk along the beach whenever I feel like it is something that is going to bring back so many memories of my home town :-D

So we have a busy time ahead. I have to sort out my car first - MOT is due and it is making a horrible screeching noise lately - not good. I am gonna have to change doctors asap as I am in need of a gynacoloy appointment very soon - it dawned on me today that I haven't had a erm, check up (lol) for a looong time - before Chloe was born and she is 8 soon! naughty me!! But there is a well woman clinic very close by, so thats not too much of a problem. We are gonna have to change our address at the banks and all the tedious, boring form filling and phone calls that come with moving, as well as all the packing and actual moving - and I am going to be back at uni soon so the timing is pretty bad. oh. joy.

But I am looking forward to it and am feeling very postive about the whole thing. I hope we are happy there, and have a sneaking feeling we will be there for a long time - I hope so anyway because moving is a pain in the backside!!!!

1 comment:

  1. no no nooooo NOT a long time missy!!!!!! <3 see you tomorrow :P xxxxxx
